You have perhaps put a great deal of thought into what sort of materials you wish to make use of as you plan your roofing project, whether you will have to disengage old roofing layers, and how much all these will cost. In fact, you have acquired multiple bids from local contractors in your region. However, have you considered what sort of dumpster you will require for all the junk that a roofing project produces?
The 1st step is to find out what sort of shingles you’ve on your roof and whether or not they’ll come off prior to your new roofing system is installed. This is important, as some shingle types are bulkier compared to others. And dumpsters, while classified in cubic yards, also have a weight restriction.
The typical shingles “three-tab” shingles are lighter than the larger “architectural” shingles. If your house is rather old and was shingled with old-fashioned materials no longer produced, inquire about your roofing contractor their viewpoint on how much they weigh.

Other materials to consider:
The shingles are not the only waste materials produced by your roof and go into dumpsters. Nails and underlayment also add weight to your project.
To avail a precise determination of how much underlayment will add to the weight of your container, you must consider that there’re diverse sizes employed by roofers, and it is classified as 15,30 or 45-pound paper.
Get the right size dumpster:
A 10 or 15 cubic yard dumpster is more standard rental for a roofing project. The 10 yds can accommodate five thousand pounds of junk, whereas the 15 yds can hold six thousand pounds of waste.
You are going to need a 20 cubic yard dumpster rental in Queens NY if your roofing project will account for 2 layers of roofing materials coming off. A 20yds dumpster can accommodate up to 8,000 pounds of waste.

A 30 cubic yard dumpster is recommended if your project is of a large roof where multiple layers need to be removed. A 30 cubic yard dumpster can easily hold up to 11,000 pounds of junk.
Don’t risk renting the wrong size dumpster for your upcoming roofing project. Instead, call the experts of Regency Recycling Corporation for their opinion. Our affordable dumpster rental in Queens NY gives you the surety that your roofing project will be finished without any glitches. Call us now! We are ready to help!